2012 Olympic cupcakes with candy colors by Local Sugar

The latest from London custom cupcake company Local Sugar, via Facebook. Love the cupcake toppers! Contact Melissa at melissa at ilovelocalsugar.com for more information. I predict 2012 will mean Olympic cupcake mania!


Joyfull4444 said…
Nice, but I hope they have an agreement with the International Olympic Committee for displaying the Olympic rings, as they're trademarked and the IOC is big time against anyone using the rings for thier own profit.
We hosted the 2010 winter Olympics and the IOC came down fierce on anyone using any Olympic symbol, on any product, building, window, cars, etc, unless they were lucky enough to be chosen as an official Olympic sponser. A lot of money had to be paid to the IOC to become a sponser also.

The amount of lawsuits threatened to everyday small businesses hoping to make a few extra bucks during our Olympics was unreal. The IOC was on the lookout constantly as in their words,it was taking away thier revenue. Even members of flickr that had added Photos of 2010 Olympic venues with Olympic symbols in the background, were told to remove them, or face being sued over using licenced material. Even the wording Vancouver, (my city) Vancouver Winter Olympics, could not be used for the duration of the games.
A word of advice to anyone wanting to sell goodies as in cupcakes or cake pops with 2012 Olympics as a theme. As much as it totally stinks, don't be to hasty in displaying your goods all over the internet. The IOC committee guys are brutal, and the closer it comes to Olympic games time, they'll be even more brutal.